Tradition shines in ‘After the Masters III’ jewelry showcase

Hans Brumann, Swiss-born and bred, today a Filipino citizen. An experienced goldsmith and designer, he has successfully established his very own brand which specializes in gold, silver and platinum, artistically embellished with diamonds, precious colored gemstones and pearls.

Arturo Luz, printmaker, sculptor, designer and art administrator, held fort at an often-visited modern art depository. A founding member of the neo-realist school in the country, he dabbled in a variety of styles and techniques. He created playful whimsical forms and figures, an artist extraordinaire, a National Artist for visual arts.

Impy Pilapil, multimedia artist, sculptor, serigraphist, muralist, stage designer and columnist. A master of solace and tranquility, she invokes on the inner self and the spirit. She weaves various materials into large-scale reliefs and sculptures in revered areas within our islands and in foreign shores, which have all stood the test of time.

Together, this exceptional trio embarked on a quest to unravel the thin line between fine art and exquisite jewelry. They experimented with materials which sparked inspiration over conformity. This spawned a couple of collections, which drew in the art world at large, populated by discerning collectors who adored modern aesthetics.

Now, with the launch of “After the Masters III,” Brumann once again has handpicked a sterling trio of individuals to carry on the torch through glistening and sparkling accessories.

“Just like a beautiful accent can enhance an outfit, a unique piece of jewelry reflects personal style and character.  Enter the ongoing “After the Masters III” exhibit, showcasing sculptural jewelry crafted by four artists. These wearable sculptures transcend traditional design, prioritizing artistic expression over mere adornment,” said Pilapil in an exclusive interview.

“Sculpture jewelry is a fusion of aesthetics and emotion, offering a medium for artists and wearers alike to explore complex ideas and sentiments through wearable art. These miniature sculptures redefine conventional jewelry, inviting us to embrace creativity and self-expression,” she continued.

Brumann’s very own selection includes a distinct style which merged the sophisticated and the contemporary, with the colorful and whimsical, with rings, necklaces and even earrings in unnatural yet functional shapes.

Pilapil resurrects for yet another presence, as she scales down her normally gigantic pieces into minute wearable articles primarily in gold infused with diamonds. Though smaller than her usual huge pieces, these still take after her trademark elegance and timelessness.

The original pair is joined by Tony Gonzales, who initially found his footing through painting and printmaking. He then co-founded GSG Industries with his father, where they revolutionized paper-making techniques, as they spearheaded innovative production methods to become a leader in the paper-making industry.

He has since been recognized with the Good Design Award from Japan, solidifying his legacy as a pioneer in Filipino creativity and innovation. His personal touch now reflects in his collection, which utilizes gold and black touches in rather austere rings.

The tony lineup is topped off by Angelino Gabon, who initially pursued a design course at the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. This background allowed him to clinch two Philippine Jewelers Inc. Design Competitions awards.

He became an apprentice at the Atelier Hans Brumann International (HBI). He further expanded his outlook through exchange programs at the renowned Stahli Goldshmied Company in Bern and a Platinum Smith Course in Lucerne, both in Switzerland. He has served as a goldsmith and assistant designer at the HBI. His expertise is evident through delicately ornate rings, which feature gold, with green and white gemstone accents — all in unconventional shapes and styles.

“Jewelry is more than just an accessory; it’s a statement of individuality,” shared Pilapil.

“What does your jewelry say about you? It’s like the final brushstroke on your personal brand. Whether you opt for bold, subtle or heirloom pieces, your jewelry choice speaks volumes about your identity.”

“In essence, sculptural jewelry isn’t just about embellishment; it’s a tangible reflection of our inner selves, transforming metal and stone into narratives of identity and style,” she ended.

“After the Masters III” may be viewed at the Hans Brumann Store, R1 Level, ground floor of Power Plant Mall, Rockwell Center, Makati City, until 30 April, from Monday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.