Thomas Godin’s prints reflect his love for Phl landscapes

The French painter and printmaker Thomas Godin. | PHOTOGRAPH BY JAKE BAYAWA FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE

Despite having visited the Philippines more than a decade ago, Thomas Godin, who has come all the way from the picturesque landscapes of Brittany, France, is still in awe of the country’s natural and breathtaking beauty.

Thomas Godin’s art is a vibrant reflection of his growing affection for the Philippines. Each piece, timeless and colorful, is a heartfelt tribute to the country that has left a heartwarming impact on his artistic journey. 

Having held two exhibits in the country since 2018, Godin’s love for the country has not only remained but has also grown tirelessly.

“I came and discovered the Philippines… I’ve been invited by a close friend who is a Filipino, but his father is from the same city in Brittany,” said Godin in a Pairfect interview with DAILY TRIBUNE, who shared that he accepted Jacques-Christophe Branellec’s invitation to visit the country. “I came here, and without knowing, I fell in love immediately.”

The French painter and printmaker was deeply fascinated by the country’s islands, beaches and captivating natural attractions.

“The landscapes and the preserved nature are so amazing when you like to dive, to travel… I’ve never seen something that beautiful. I’m looking for a kind of universality, inspirations from the Philippines to Brittany,” he said, sharing how Brittany’s golden and scenic hues were reminiscent of the country’s majestic beauty. 

The French painter and printmaker was deeply fascinated by the country’s islands, beaches and captivating natural attractions.

Later on, these inspirations allowed him to fuel his artistic passion. Godin, who was once working in the Information Technology industry, made a pivotal switch when he decided to materialize his goal as an artist. 

“It was absolutely not my plan to be an artist. I discovered etching and printmaking by chance, by accident,” the printmaker disclosed. 

The self-taught French artist incorporates his inspirations drawn from what he has seen in the country through a combination of press roller, paint and ink on an engraved metal plate with a sheet of high-quality paper. The delicate process, with the outcome always being different each time, creates visually impressive pieces that leave spectators in awe. 


These outcomes would reveal archipelago or map-inspired art or a visual that is nostalgic about his underwater dives and coastal beauty. “There is something special — you can be on top of a volcano and go down, in the middle of a jungle and to the sea. Everything is condensed. You can have everything, everywhere, all at once,” he said.

He added: “I’m trying to translate what’s on my mind to the paper. You can learn the sensibility, trying to learn inside yourself and know the journey.”

Now that he has finished two exhibitions, one in Cebu and one in Makati recently, for his latest collection titled Archipelago, the French artist is unstoppable as he draws more inspiration from his visits and experiences, which is encapsulated in each piece he creates. 

Despite the tedious and lengthy process his work entails, the French artist left a simple yet profound answer as to how he creates his art: “I just let it go and let it flow.”