Innovative video game promotes menstrual health education for young girls

The transition from high school to college is a pivotal moment in a student’s life. It is a time of newfound independence, exciting challenges and significant personal growth.

Kotex, together with SMS Health PH, recently launched an initiative aimed at enhancing these experiences for young girls. The goal was to help them navigate their period journey by providing accessible menstrual health education and period kits to equip and prepare them for their period.

“When Kotex and SMS Health PH first launched this initiative in 2022, we started collaborating with 50 private schools in Metro Manila and reached thousands of young women. For this year, we plan to expand to 200 institutions including DepEd schools and reach more than 300,000 women in NCR, Region 3 and Region 4A. We also plan to conduct a menstrual education program with the Period Planet Game – a video game from Kotex that enables students to have freedom to explore periods and the stigma that surrounds them, at their own time and at their own pace,” said Jacel Gumasing, SMS Health PH project manager.

The initiative kicked off with a demonstration of the Period Planet Game, an engaging and informative tool designed to break the stigma and myths surrounding menstruation. It is available to play at The game equips students with comprehensive knowledge about menstruation, addressing not only the biological aspects but also the emotional and social aspects associated with periods.

 As this initiative by Kotex paves the way for a new generation of empowered young women, it sends a resounding message that “She Can!” With knowledge, confidence and the support of a caring community, she can navigate the challenges of college life and beyond, leaving behind any barriers that once stood in her way.