Club Bulakeño stalwarts feted in joint birthday celebration

Brian and Jade Tanchanco, John Gaddi, Sonny Tanchanco, Jonina Tanchanco and JP Tanchanco.

Club Bulakeño recently feted its members and officers whose birthdays are in January, February and March in a night of fun, food and music. Held at the North Forbes Park Pavilion, the affair was dubbed as the “Celebration of Love and Life.” 

With past president John Gaddi and Chuck Gueco serving as hosts, the Club toasted past presidents Milo Bondoc, Atty. Jimmy Buhain and Sonny Tanchanco, as well as Beging Soriano, Malou Bewer, Evelyn Elliott, Regie Casas, Evelyn Ranada and Letty Calma.

Ray and Susan Franco, John Gaddi, Lou and Ron Domingo.

Spearheaded by president Emmy Gonzalez, the evening began with a Mass celebrated by Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite who paid tribute to the Club’s recently departed members: president Frank Adriano, past president Zenaida “Nedy” Tantoco and Gyn-gyn Quiazon.

The occasion also marked the induction of Annabelle Adriano as the new president of Club Bulakeño, a first in the history of the organization, with two lady presidents at its helm.

Guests feasted on a menu of delectable dishes including the all-time favorite lechon plus a sumptuous grazing table provided by president Emmy Gonzalez.

Gerard Ramirez, Ping Valencia and Emmy Gonzalez.

The program included a rousing Tahitian number by choreographer Cora Rodriguez and former Bayanihan Dance Company dancer Virgie Monton.

Mike de Jesus and Gloria Diaz.

A special number of Louis Armstrong’s timeless classic, “What A Wonderful World,” was sung by CB members led by president Emmy Gonzalez, Chuchi Villar, Dr. Manny Almelor and Jorge Hizon.  

Dr. Corge Reyes, Dr. Francisco Reyes and Oskar Atendido.

To cap off the evening, the Club raffled off fabulous prizes, putting smiles on the faces of the lucky winners.