Around the year 1995, 28 years ago, I wrote my first book, titled Wives Are Lovers Too, which became an instant bestseller. It must be because of the catchy title but I believe it was the inspiring narratives of the wonderful women and men who gladly shared with me their authentic and loving stories of their married lives.
Today, however, I would like to share with my numerous readers who constantly message me to inquire about the nature of my next column — the powerful, emotion- filled stories of the strong-hearted widows who survived the grief of losing their beloved husbands. This is the topic I write today on the occasion of the forthcoming celebration of All Souls Day.
While interviewing the amazing widows who appeared in my bestseller, I was bombarded with the haunting images of my own childhood at the young age of six. While barging into my mother’s bedroom one early morning, I found her sobbing in front of her altar. She was grieving for my dead father, Ramon, who had just passed on.
Among the most profound memories which flooded into my consciousness, I vividly recall hugging my mother tight, clasping her hands in mine as I felt the rising and falling of her chest as she sobbed and cried out the name of my father Ramon. I felt so helpless then as the warm, stinging liquid dropped tear by salty tear into my young bewildered face.

In childlike fashion, I tried to comfort her by asking her why she was so sad. Her short gentle reply will forever be etched into my memory: “Maria Rosa, I feel so alone and lonely without Ramon by my side.” As she said this response, I caught the emotion of the moment and the deep sense of loss conveyed through the anguish in her beautiful face and the tremor in her soft voice.
The unforgettable memories and lessons I learned from my encounter with my beloved mother Rosario and those courageous widows I interviewed who survived the death of their beloved partners, I have come to empathize with their strong feelings of loss which reflect those misty, tear-filled memories of long ago.
Today as we honor the beloved members of our families who have gone ahead to the great beyond, we can only offer them our sincere prayers as we continue living our lives with the wonderful and joyous times we shared with them. The valuable lessons and values they imparted to us which continue to guide us in our day-to-day existence marks the deep joy we hold in our hearts for the love we have for them.
We honor all those who are left behind as we successfully regenerate our meaningful lives through loving and being loved by our families and close friends.