5,000 steps

DIET is vital to transforming your health profile. | photograph courtesy of unsplash/nathan dumlao

The magic number used to be a daunting 10,000 steps to impact dramatically on your health. However, a new study shows that it may take only half of that number to reduce the risk of dying prematurely of any possible physical cause.

According to the team from The University of Lodz, Poland and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the benefits of walking applied to all ages.

WALK more: Lack of physical activity contributed to 3.2 million deaths a year. | photograph courtesy of unsplash/sincerely media

More is better

Here’s the exciting part — and it is designed to motivate us all. Walking is one of the easiest ways to reduce cardiovascular challenges in the future. And this is the most exciting part: target 2,300 steps and it is enough to benefit the heart and blood vessels!

And every extra 1,000 steps beyond the 4,000 ideal target reduces the risk of dying early by 15 percent. So, can you imagine if you aim for 10,000 up to 20,000 steps a day? 

In order to incentivize us further, the World Health Organization stated that the fourth most frequent cause of death worldwide was inactivity. In fact, the lack of physical activity has contributed to 3.2 million deaths a year. 

Sit less

SIT less. | photograph courtesy of unsplash/ jose-aljovin

Sitting too long on a regular basis becomes a habit. And this is a bad habit. The main cause of back pain, sitting can contribute to bigger health problems in the future simply because it constricts proper circulation to the lower extremities.

If you have to sit in the office chair for hours on end, here are a few tips:

• Stand up as often as you can.

•Walk to the restroom every hour.                      

• Take the stairs.

•Do some simple stretches while standing like bending, touch your toes, side movements and more. 

•Practice NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis).

Do other things that keep you moving like doing housework, washing the car, gardening, cooking, doing the laundry, sweeping the floor, etc. 

Lifestyle changes

Diet is vital to transforming your health profile.

It is time to review what you eat. Study the benefits of your favorite foods and rank them according to healthy or unhealthy. 

Do not allow your cravings to dictate you what you should eat. While it is alright to give in once in a while to your little indulgences, remember that it comes with a price. Imagine how this will affect your health in 10 years. 

Sleep is another factor. Try to get more quality sleep before midnight daily. Remember, it’s the little things you do each day that leads to the achievement of your health goals.

Your mental health is also a priority. Allot ample time for peace and quiet.

In summary, the answer is an encouraging yes. You can turn your health around no matter what your challenges might be. But you must begin today. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

Affirmation: “I am one step closer to my dreams.”

Love and light!


(Reference: BBC.com)