Wake up and smell the coffee

Do you crave for a freshly brewed coffee but don’t always have the time to go out and grab a cup? Are your tired of drinking the same old coffee from your local coffeeshop?

Breville Philippines hopes to answer your caffeine concerns as it launches its new generation of espresso machines that can create your favorite cup of Americano, espresso, latte or cappuccino right in the comfort of your own home.

“Coffee lovers will probably agree that accessibility is one of the best things about picking up your cup of joe from your favorite coffee shop. It’s ideal for those leading busy lifestyles, specifically people who can only afford a couple of minutes a day to have that quick shot of caffeine,” said Haj Cortez Flores, Breville Philippines brand manager.

“However, one of the downsides of enjoying commercial coffee is the quality you get to enjoy. It cannot be argued that nothing still beats homemade, handcrafted cups of joe. There is just something incredibly romantic about creating it on your own, crafting it to suit your taste and enjoying your cup in the comfort of your home.”

This is exactly what the Breville’s Barista Express Impress offers — a chance for everyone to enjoy the process of making and creating high-quality coffee straight from their kitchens.

BREVILLE Barista Pro with Thermojet heating system.

“Honestly, having the espresso machine means being able to experience the whole process of brewing unlike automatic coffee machines wherein you are not in full control in terms of setting, grinding, dosing, intensity and quantity. This machine can produce really good espresso. Espresso is the heart of all espresso-based coffee like Americano, latte and cappuccino,” Flores added.

One important feature of Barista Express Impress, Breville’s first assisted manual espresso machine, is the Impress Puck System that involves intelligent dosing which automatically calculates the dosage one needs. From there, the machine will precisely tamp with a 10kg impression and seven-degree barista twist for a polished puck. The system also gauges when the correct level is achieved. It also provides the ideal dosage, sets the right temperature, optimal pressure and sufficient steam for the coffee.

“It may sound intimidating at first but as you get to know your machine, it gets more exciting and so easy to use,” she said.

Flores said the Barista Express Impress is the ideal entry model for budding coffee enthusiasts or those who simply want to enjoy the best of both worlds when it comes to convenience and quality.

Specialty coffee
Breville also launched its Barista Pro for those who want to level up their coffee experience.

The espresso machine delivers specialty coffee using its four keys formula that combines the ideal dosage, the right temperature, optimal pressure and sufficient steam for every cup that one makes.

“The product DNA of this new model was specially made for those who want their coffee good and fast,” said Flores. “It is equipped with the Thermojet Heating System that provides optimum extraction temperature in three seconds so you don’t have to wait. With a single touch of a button, this espresso machine also delivers the perfect amount of coffee that is packed with flavor.”

Haj Cortez Flores, Breville Philippines brand manager, and Joseph Datu, Breville Philippines corporate chef.

According to chef Joseph Datu, Breville Philippines corporate chef, the Barista Pro delivers cups that can rival any cafe. “Quality-wise, you can expect to enjoy full-bodied sips laced with rich and complex flavors that can only be achieved by having a perfect dose of 18g freshly ground beans from a professional 54mm stainless steel portafilter,” Datu explained.

He added: “Be ready to experience opulent, creamy and caramel-colored shots of espresso. Not to mention the silky, velvety microfoam milk created by its powerful steam wand.”

Datu shared that there are three important visual elements to a good espresso: the crema, body and heart.

“The top layer is the crema, which is the thin layer that looks golden-brown or brownish-red and is slightly foamy. The middle layer is the body which is usually caramel in color. The bottom layer, the heart, should be a deep, rich brown. It tastes bitter but it balances out the sweetness of the crema and the espresso’s aroma. If everything is present in your coffee, then it’s a good espresso shot,” said Datu.

Breville’s new espresso machines are available in all major home appliance outlets in Metro Manila, with showrooms in Edsa Balintawak, Cebu and Davao. To know more about the product, visit the official website of Breville.