Teacher Georcelle shares her side of story

G-Force’s Teacher Georcelle addressed the budding controversy regarding her and the G-Force dance group’s non-appearance at the recent 20th-anniversary concert of the Popstar Royalty Sarah Geronimo.

In her statement sent through a text message to Ogie Diaz, the choreographer said, “We’ve been training her and G-Force have been dancing with her for 16 years. She’s looking for growth as an artist and as a person. She wants to try other things.

There were artistic differences and I wanna support her as she embarks on this new chapter even if it means stepping out for a while. Mama Ogs, I did everything out of love and respect for her as an artist and a friend.

Parang love team kami for 16 years, but this year gusto niya to try other things.

This process was painful for G-Force. Most of them cried, especially the choreographers who have been training hard to bring out the best in her. It’s like a break up.

SG wants something else, I want her to exercise that artistic freedom. But it’s also my right to exercise my artistic freedom.

I had to pull out two months ago in March of course my team will always understand and respect my decision.

This is me encouraging SG to experience that creative freedom and to be the ultimate decision maker in producing and directing her 20th anniversary concert.”

Teacher Georcelle also cleared that no demand letter came from her, instead, she wrote a personal letter saying that her dance steps are copyrighted under her name thus, giving her the right to quote a price for the use of her copyrighted works.

The 20th-anniversary concert of Geronimo was a success and she happily wished her the best.

She also emphasized that her personal relationship with Geronimo will not be affected by their profession, they still remain friends.