Steamed Egg with Clams

For nights when you want to indulge and opt for a quick seafood dish, you can’t go wrong with this silky smooth and rich Steamed Egg with Clams.

“It’s really simple to make with just a handful of ingredients that most people already have in their pantries,” says Bea Atienza, foodie, baker and owner of Bellefleur by Beatrix bakeshop. “But when you taste it, it feels like it took a lot more time to complete all the steps.”

Clams can be substituted with any seafood of your choice, such as shrimps, mussels or crabs. It’s also best to carefully strain the egg mixture for a smoother finish.

Atienza suggests to whisk the egg mixture lightly so as to prevent too many unnecessary bubbles from forming.

“This is more of an aesthetic issue but if you skip it, it’s totally fine since you will cover it with the sauce anyway,” she adds.

Atienza has been serving this egg-clam dish to her family for three years now. It was a result of constant experimenting in the kitchen during the pandemic.

“I was bored at home and couldn’t go out. This was one of the very first things I taught myself to cook during the pandemic because almost everything is available at home. I would just order the clams on MetroMart and have them delivered the day I plan on making the dish,” says Atienza.


Steamed Egg with Clams



2 large eggs

1 c warm water

1/2 tsp iodized salt

4-8 clams with shell (raw)

4 thin slices of ginger



1/2 tbsp light soy sauce

1/2 tbsp sesame oil

chopped scallions and cilantro for garnish



Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Cook clams with ginger until the clams open. Strain. Beat eggs lightly with water and salt. Strain the egg mixture directly into your preferred dish to keep the custard silky smooth. Add clams and cover tightly with foil.

Steam the dish on medium low heat for at least eight minutes, checking if the custard has set with a thin knife. If the knife comes out clean, the dish is ready. Add toppings to your liking, and you’re ready to serve.