Kim Molina defends BF Jerald Napoles from ‘mukhang kargador’ comment

Apparently infuriated over a basher’s online comment that her boyfriend Jerald Napoles is “mukhang kargador (looks like a porter),” Kim Molina explained there is nothing wrong in being a laborer.

What’s wrong, according to Molina, is the very condescending manner by which laborers are labeled.

“People who casually comment things like this. At sa mga magsasabing ’wag mo kasi pansinin (And to those saying just ignore it), MY POINT IS WAY BEYOND THAT,” Molina initially said.

Ano ba problema niyo sa pagiging ‘kargador’ eh sa totoo lang (What is your problem with being a laborer when in truth) people who do hands-on labor work are people we should acknowledge sa hirap ng ginagawa nila araw araw (because of the hard work they do every day). Hindi ito dapat ikahiya. (This should not be something to be ashamed of),” she added.

Kung wala sila, sige, ikaw magbuhat ng sarili mong box na sandamakmak, ikaw maghalo ng sarili mong semento, ikaw magtapon ng sarili mong truck ng basura, ikaw mag pukpok ng sarili mong kabinet at ikaw bumuo ng sarili mong bahay o building gamit ang sarili mong kamay (Without them, go, lift your many boxes, mix your cement, throw your garbage, fix your cabinet and make your own house or building using your own hands),” she said. 

One netizen reminded Molina not to be onion-skinned, to which Kim retorted: “Hindi po ako balat sibuyas. Kung iisa isahin ko lahat ng natatanggap naming dummy bash araw araw, baka crispy onion rings na handa namin errrrday. lol. (I am not onion-skinned. If I were to enumerate the bashing we receive every day, maybe our dish is crispy onion rings every day). With this post I’m pointing out the unfair entitlement of people belittling hands-on laborers. Someone needed to speak out, and so I did.”

Netizens laugh at Maris Racal’s jealous ways

Maris Racal’s Irene Tiu character in Can’t Buy Me Love had netizens laughing as she displayed in great abundance jealous fits after seeing Anthony Jennings’ Snoop character goofing around with that of Dara’s character (Vivoree Esclito).

Tiu was miffed when she saw Snoop and Dara taking selfies. In exasperation, she turned her attention to the pieces of wood displayed in a hardware store and called them foul smelling, obviously alluding to the two co-actors.

Fans were quick to observe Tiu’s obvious fits of jealousy.

Mabaho at expired na ang kahoy grabe mag-selos si Irene nadamay pati kahoy na walang Buhay (Foul-smelling and expired wood. Irene’s jealousy is so great, she took it on the lifeless wood),” said one fan.

Ang cute mo talaga magselos idol (You’re cute when you get jealous, idol),” another fan said.

cge dara at snoop pagselosin nyo pa ang isang ernalyn (Go Dara and Snoop, make one Ernalyn jealous),” one supporter commented.