‘Iskramble’ brings back sweet memories amid hot summer days

(Photo from So Yummy Talaga / Facebook)

As the scorching heat of the summer sun cast a shimmering haze over the city, I found myself reminiscing about the simple joys of my childhood.

One memory that stood out was the blissful indulgence of ‘iskramble’ during my childhood — a cherished Filipino treat that promised sweet relief from the relentless heat.

I fondly recall joining my friends in lining up on the street after playing a session of games like piko, patintero, tumbang-preso, or Chinese garter, eager to purchase a cup of iskramble from a street vendor.

Iskramble is a beloved Filipino beverage made from shaved ice blended with banana extract and condensed milk, topped with a variety of toppings such as marshmallows, strawberry syrup, chocolate syrup, powdered milk, and candy sprinkles. This delightful concoction is often compared to the American milk shake but with a unique Filipino twist.

Iskramble was sold in large styroboxes, and the vendor would scoop it out, generously topping it with ingredients before serving it to us, much to our delight. With each scoop of shaved ice glistening under the golden rays of the sun, memories of laughter and camaraderie flooded back to me.

A modern version of ‘iskramble’ offered by a Malate restaurant (Photo by Ludwig Kalambacal)