In a storyline improbable enough for Hollywood, a vegan chocolatier in a remote Scottish port town has made the confectionery to be given to silver screen icons at next month’s Oscars.

Fiona McArthur’s luxury chocolates will be handed out to Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, and other VIPs at cinema’s biggest annual night, with each nominee in the main categories to be treated to a box.

McArthur, 37, only opened her small chocolate shop in Campbeltown, western Scotland, in 2019 but it soon caught the eye of the company responsible for assembling Academy Awards goody bags. 

At first, she thought it was a hoax. 

But after verifying the firm online, she realized the offer to help fill the gift packs worth tens of thousands of dollars for the 10 March ceremony was genuine. 

“It’s mind blowing! I can’t believe it still,” she told AFP from “Fetcha”, her self-owned and run shop.

Chocolatier and owner of Fetcha Chocolates, Fiona McArthur prepares the vegan chocolates in honor of the movie “Poor Thing” for the 2024 Academy Award gift bags given to Oscar nominees, in her workshop on February 14, 2024, in Campbeltown, south-west Scotland. In a storyline improbable enough for Hollywood, a vegan chocolatier from a remote Scottish port has been chosen to make chocolates at next month’s Oscars. (Photo by Andy Buchanan / AFP)