Have your events with Audrey Hepburn

The ongoing “Intimate Audrey” installation at S’Maison has not only rekindled the love affair Philippine fashion has had with all things Audrey Hepburn, but sparked the imagination of local designers.

It’s an “affair” that one can date back to the 1950s, yet amazingly stayed strong for over seven decades.

Younger designers, born after her death in 1993, are somehow mentored and come to appreciate and understand her status as a beauty and fashion icon — the Hollywood celebrity who showed how beauty is not superficial. Beyond her film career, Hepburn became a well-known humanitarian and Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF.


Designer space

As part of the exhibit, it’s interesting to note that FashionX and the Philippine Fashion Coalition were given an 88-sq.m. special section at the end of the walkabout to highlight 22 Filipino designers and their creations — as inspired by a photo, a costume from a film scene, or even a moment in Audrey’s private life.

This section is curated by Michael Salientes, who said, “What makes Audrey so special and such an icon? Obviously, her extraordinary beauty. It’s the contrast of her amazing beauty and her realness, humanity. When she opened her mouth, you could really feel her warmth and sincerity.


creations made of inabel brought to life by fashion designer Vic Barba.


“My favorite movie of Audrey is Breakfast at Tiffany’s. One thing that is good in this exhibition is it humanizes Audrey — she’s an excellent actress, she’s a good mother and she’s a philanthropist.”

During a recent Philippine Fashion Coalition lunch, designers chimed in on their favorite Audrey memories.

With Fair Lady as his favorite movie, Jor-El said, “She has personal style. She’s effortless, graceful and a good actress. Plus I love her social work, and the things she shared with people.”

SOFA’s Amina Aranaz calls Roman Holiday her best Audrey film, saying, “Audrey really has an innate sense of style, of elegance, of goodness, and her whole persona seems to exude such positivism.”

“Intimate Audrey” is a bespoke exhibition created by her son, Sean H. Ferrer. It runs until 29 October. Enjoy viewing a fascinating collection of original and re-printed photographs, memorabilia, dresses and accessories, plus fashion drawings and humanitarian writings. There are poignant videos bringing each of the chapters-sections to life.


Special venue

And what could be more interesting than to hold your events and special functions at this 88-sq.m. special section? One’s guests can walk through the exhibit while waiting for all the other guests to arrive, then you settle in, and have your wonderful dinner right there in the aforementioned section with the specially curated Philippine designs.


Meticulously designed dress and gowns by Cesar Gaupo, Salvacion Lim-Higgins, Philip Rodriguez and Auggie Cordero.


If you ask S Maison and the “Intimate Audrey” organizers to take care of everything, Nono’s can handle your food concerns. Sourcing food from other sources is a possibility, but subject to the limitations of the mall.

These group bookings have proved to be extremely popular, and the functions can run for three hours, with anything from 12 to 100 guests as part of the arrangement.

For interested parties, they can SMS or send a Viber. message to +639957513771.