Growing old with grace and wisdom

As we grow on in age, we come to realize that true beauty emanates from the heart and not in our face and that grey hair can be elegant. We are also happy to realize that valued family relationships and cherished friends strengthen our immune system and enhance our well-being.  We have also become more accepting of people, their points of view and their idiosyncrasies.

During our moments of solitude while divining the graces we receive daily from God Almighty, we thank Him for our charmed and fulfilling lives as we continue to uplift the poor, the unwashed, the depressed, the sick and the lost. Living our life’s purpose gives meaning to our lives and allows us the joy and the happiness that sharing brings.

We are also able to address unresolved issues with persons close to us thereby enriching our lives spiritually as it lifts the burden of our confused emotions.

Indeed, aging is a privilege denied to many because it gives us added wisdom and humility to reflect about our lives, our state of being and what else we need to accomplish during our sunset years.

It is of utmost importance that we keep a sound mind in a healthy body. We need to move our bodies, take long walks, dance with our favorite tunes and keep busy with hobbies that allow us to be happy and fulfilled.

We should take daily showers, spray our bodies with our favorite colognes and scents and use all our branded clothes everyday as each day is a special day because we are alive to enjoy life.

Let us keep abreast with international and local current events, involve ourselves with our favorite advocacies and ensure that whatever we contribute in time, talent and treasure are noteworthy and life-changing.

Let us write our life’s experiences and the lessons learned. Let us journal the feelings we have for our cherished family and friends so that when they read our notes, they will remember us with fondest love and memories.

Living well is not a race. Our only competition is ourselves. Let us always think positive, do what makes us happy, laugh, eat our favorite dishes, savor the caviar and the blinis and listen to our favorite songs.

Allowing us to thank God for everything in our life is good because a grateful heart is a happy heart. Helping the marginalized also makes us motivated, youthful and involved. It gives us reason to dance with wild abandon, sing our bodies electric and love like there is no tomorrow. Then we know we have truly lived.

The author is one of 100 Most Influential Global Filipinas for her books and advocacy work. She was recognized as one of The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS). As a social historian she has written 46 coffee table books in the last 25 years found in select libraries around the world.