Good, clean and fair food for all

The Slow Food Community of Negros is just one of the hundreds of communities all over the world working on having good, clean and fair food for all. Despite that, we, the community, feel that we still have so much work to do.

Through experience, we, the people involved with the Slow Food Movements in our areas specifically and globally in general, have realized that, although so much has already been achieved by those who have come before us, much, much more must be achieved to fulfill our advocacy.

What is the Slow Food advocacy?

Our advocacy is actually quite simple: Good, clean and fair food for all.

Good. Food should be “good” in every which way. It should be good in taste, good for the body and of the best quality ingredients.

Clean. Food should be environment friendly. Through our food, we must be more conscious about our impact on biodiversity.

Fair. Food should be fair to those that produce and consume. It should be fairly priced.

As simple as that may sound, it actually isn’t. Try going to the market and create a meal that is good, clean and fair. It is quite a challenge.

Why is this important?

First is health. We must be more conscious of our health. Modern life demands so much from us and we must be more concerned how all this impacts our health. Eating good, clean and fair food will improve your health resulting to less medical expenses.

Our advocacy is actually quite simple: Good, clean and fair food for all.

For instance, in the pursuit of producing more, livestock producers have developed commercial techniques for production. We now can raise livestock faster and bigger. Ever stop to think how they do this? What do they feed those animals to alter their natural growth cycles?

Biodiversity and climate change

I need not expound on this as there are so many articles warning us about this. The ones who feel this issue most are farmers like us. Weather patterns have changed, thus, affecting planting schedules. The proliferation of viruses and pests on plants and animals that did not exist are now becoming major problems. We are losing many plants, marine life and animals that are not taken care of. Thus, the balance of nature in our community is affected.

Food security

This has become a growing concern globally. With the effects of climate change and urbanization, as well as the numerous concerns on biodiversity, we might see the day when we will not be able to feed ourselves. We will rely on importation. Imagine what it would be like if we had to import everything!

Loss of culinary heritage

And lastly, preservation of our culinary heritage. Our culinary culture gives us a strong sense of place and community. It contributes to our national identity. Without that, we are nothing.

Doreen Alicia “Reena” Gamboa is the spokesperson and president of Slow Food Community of Negros. She is also the managing director of Casa A. Gamboa in Silay City and president of Aguinaldo Alicia Agricultural Corporation.