Fun run against breast cancer

For the last 30 years, Avon has raised funds to support breast cancer charities and breast health screenings for millions of women across the world. To celebrate this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Philippines’ number one intimate apparel brand recently hosted the fundraising event Fun Run to Boob Love at the CCP Complex in Pasay City to uphold its breast cancer promise of promoting breast health.

Sharing the boob love

People from all walks of life ran and shared in a celebration of every woman’s breast care journey. Among those spotted in the starting blocks were 2015 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, actor and model Enchong Dee, actress Kyline Alcantara, 2023 Miss Universe Philippines Michelle Dee, 2023 Miss Supranational 1st Runner Up Pauline Amelinckx and her fellow 2023 Miss Universe Philippines Queens — Christine Opiaza, Krishnah and  Gravidez, among others.

Alongside a three-kilometer and five-kilometer run, the event featured a fair dedicated to breast health awareness and education. With the help of sponsors Collezione C2, Gatorade, Aetrex, Red Ribbon Bakeshop, Arcadis Consulting as well as media partners Nylon Manila and Wonder Magazine, event highlights included donation stations, a Zumba session and a #BoobLove pledge wall.

The BoobLove Pledge Wall.

Throughout the race village, runners also got to play games that match their unique breast shapes with an Avon Intimate Apparel, learned tips on regular breast self-checks and more information on breast health and care. Other best-selling Avon products were also showcased on-site from its skincare, fragrance, make-up and body care portfolios — most of which had a donation component when purchased.

A promise to keep going

Fun Run to Boob Love is the latest highlight in Avon’s Breast Cancer Promise to ensure everyone knows the signs, knows the risks and knows how to take action. By bringing together the community in a fun, inclusive environment, Avon helps to share the importance of early detection because it can save lives.

“We want to emphasize the importance of self-check and how easy it is to add this step to your self-care routine,” said Marion Limlengco, head of communications at Avon Philippines and Asia Pacific. “However, survival rates are high with early detection and proper treatment,”

“It was wonderful to see people run together in support of a cause that is dear to us at Avon,” said Avon Asia Pacific managing director and Avon Philippines general manager Razvan Diratian. “Together, we help create a better world for women, a world where women do not have to live in fear of breast cancer,” Diratian added.

The event raised funds for the Philippine Cancer Society — Avon’s longtime partner organization — to help advance knowledge and bring relief to those affected by breast cancer. For life-saving information on breast health such as a step-by-step guide on self-check, visit

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