Celebrity New Year’s resolutions to inspire your 2024

The new year is a time for reflection when many set resolutions to be fulfilled in the coming months. Celebrities are no strangers to this — they make them and they break them, just like us.

DAILY TRIBUNE asked some of the country’s brightest stars what their New Year’s resolutions are for 2024.

“To learn more about acting and focus on my fitness journey more.” — KD Estrada

“To try new hobbies and spend more time with the people I love and care about.” — Kaila Estrada

“For 2024, I want to prioritize my physical and mental wellbeing, commit time to exercise, eat healthy, and practice being more mindful to develop a healthier and happier version of myself.” — Sharlene San Pedro

“To stay more healthy next year.” — Kaye Abad

Samantha Bernardo
Robi Domingo
Kobie Brown
KD Estrada
Kaila Estrada
Nikki Valdez
Dustine Mayores
Benedix Ramos
Sharlene San Pedro
Kiara Takahashi

“To be able to save more for travels! Since I haven’t been to any other country aside from my home country – Japan and PH. To have more meaningful conversations and a positive exchange of energy with people! More theater/TV acting experience!! And to prioritize my mental state, my well-being. As they say, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Spreading more love and good energy.” — Kiara Takahashi

“After 2023, I realized that health really is wealth and that in resting or slowing down, we are also healing. After my reconstruction surgery, my New Year’s resolution is to be healthier in all aspects of my life. To have a healthy mind, body and relationship with my loved ones and with the things I truly care about.” — Samantha Bernardo

“To not think too much of other people’s opinions. I will start doing what I want to do, what I’ve always loved doing, without the validation or approval of anyone but the people who truly love me.” — Benedix Ramos

“I’ll be more present, and I will honor my own thoughts and feelings more.” — Vivoree

“Create more healthy habits (healthy sleep schedule, healthy diet). Strengthen proper time management for both work and academics. Continue to create decent work-life balance (personal time with family and friends and time for career/academics). To give more time to honing and strengthening my art and performing skills (joining more workshops, self-study and practice for singing, dancing and acting). To make myself more exposed to educational materials (self-help, insightful, business/marketing and advertising books and podcasts). Start doing meditation and inner work and healing, and strengthening mental and emotional fitness. Travel more with family and friends.” — Andi Abaya

“My 2024 New Year’s Resolution is to always keep a positive mindset, embracing the challenges throughout the year as opportunities for growth, and consistently caring for my physical and mental well-being throughout 2024.” — Kobie Brown

“Self-growth, peace of mind and also more improvement in acting.” — Dustine Mayores

“I stopped long time ago making New Year’s Resolutions because it pressures me more than it inspires me. So here’s a good habit and goal list instead: 1. To drink more water. They say that your body needs a liter of water per 10 years of your life so I plan to do that. 2.Watch the good I eat. I am turning 45 in 2024 so I need to keep an eye on the kind of food I take in. Our health is our true wealth. 3. To continue keeping a good balance of my work and being a mom. I am raising a teenage daughter now and have had so many realizations this year of my daughter’s needs. 4. To take each day one step at a time. It’s a long process, but I have long been practicing to take control of the things and situations that I can and let go of the ones I cannot. 5. To try to travel more. Travel teaches and heals you, so hopefully I am able to fulfill this this year.” — Nikki Valdez

“With all the things happening as I prepare for the wedding and (home) renovation, I seem to have forgotten a list of resolutions for the new year (haha). I remember I stopped making these when I entered college, but one thing I keep on telling myself when the clock hits 12 midnight on 1 January is that I hope it will be a good year for me and my family, as I do my best to be good to others.” — Robi Domingo

“My New Year’s Resolution for 2024 is all about self-love and taking care of myself first. Learning to put myself first.” — Gab Birkin