Bookish challenge: CAN YOU READ ONE BOOK A MONTH?

Photograph courtesy of Fully Booked

It’s January, and resolutions are in abundance. For bookworms, turning a fresh page in the new year means the tantalizing promise of fresh, new books to immerse in.

Jotting down “read more books” on a piece of paper is hardly enough. It would help if you follow through, and this is where Fully Booked’s 2024 Reading Challenge might come in handy. Sans the crazy traffic and the piles of deadlines, you can surely squeeze in some downtime with a good book. Agree or agree?


Book from an author you haven’t read before. We all have our favorites, those authors who have consistently churned out great reads year after year. It’s like having a long-term client or a relationship — you come back again and again, and you’re never disappointed. However, as much as this practice is safe, it’s not exciting. Take bold risks this January and discover a new author.


Novel about emotions and thoughts. Devote this month to reading a book that allows you to find yourself, helps you learn to process your thoughts and feelings better, and understand people in a deeper and more nuanced way. Beats getting struck by Cupid’s arrow any day. 


A book that has been adapted into screen. For March, the Oscars awards season, it’s all about books and movie adaptations. Challenge yourself by reading a book, watching its screen adaptation, and comparing them.


Poetry book. April is National Poetry Month and, coincidentally, the month of Venus, the goddess of love and rebirth of spring. While you may not experience spring in a typical Filipino summer month, you can always relish in the power of poetry that can rejuvenate your heart and soul. If you’ve always been a literary fiction kind of reader, here’s your chance to discover poetry.


Book with a fictional world or place. Come May, book a two-way ticket to imagined worlds and thought-provoking settings, whether you fancy a magical world or a made-up country. 


A first-person narrator. Whether it’s a thought-provoking memoir or literary fictional novel that lets you sit in a character’s head, a first-person narrated book always makes for a compelling read, no doubt.


Cover you can’t resist. The rudimentary rule is to not judge a book by its cover, but how can you not when the designs are stunning? Great book covers can be colorful, minimalist, witty, or give you a sneak peek of what the story is about. They’re part of the storytelling experience and on their own are great works of art.


Book published locally. The Philippine publishing is as vibrant and dynamic as ever. In August, Buwan ng Wika, discover whipsmart Filipino books – from irresistible romances and historical thrillers to comic books and fantasy novels. Philippine publishing is brimming with compelling reads (and we’re anticipating more titles to be released this 2024).


Book set before the Internet Age. For September, challenge yourself to unplug from social media and other devices. While at it, pick up a book set before the Internet Age. Yes, those prehistoric times of sending love letters via snail mail, or that begotten age when the land and the waters were pristine before rapid industrialization. Or anything in between the invention of the Internet.


Book translated from a foreign language. Expand your reading horizons by picking up a translated title.  This prompt will definitely expand your literary perspectives, as voices from different parts of the world are now within your reach.


Book set in the future. Ever imagined what life can be like in the future? See how the most talented speculative and science fiction authors conjure what tomorrow may bring.


Book published in 2024. And as the year comes to a close, what better way to wrap up a fruitful reading year than with a book published in 2024 that stood out for you?