BDO financial partners of model OFW families

(PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF OWWA) AMIR Hawari (2nd from left), with his wife and daughter, is awarded the MOFYA 2023 Land-based National Winner trophy by Overseas Workers Welfare Administration chief Arnel Ignacio (left) and Department of Migrant Workers Officer-in-Charge Hans Cacdac (right).

BDO Unibank instills the value of saving among overseas Filipino workers and their families. Such advocacy has helped two OFW families win the 2023 Model OFW Family of the Year Award.

“BDO has provided us with assistance especially through Kabayan Savings. My mom encouraged me and my younger sibling to open our own account then. It was really a big help because by the time our mother retired from her work abroad, we had enough savings in our account, thanks to BDO,” said Nizma Hawari, daughter of MOFYA 2023 land-based national winner Amir Hawari from Zamboanga (Region 9).

Her father’s career overseas spanned over four decades, starting as a purchasing officer at the Saudi Aramco and becoming a stock analyst for inventory at the Qatar Petroleum. A cancer survivor, the elder Hawari said their children’s education was the driving force behind his and his wife Armina’s sacrifices as OFWs.

Armina worked as a dialysis nurse at the Hamad Medical Corp. in Qatar.

Through their hard work, the Hawari family was able to establish numerous business ventures in the Philippines, which are all managed by their six children who are also all college degree holders.

Amir is also one of the founders and served as a chairman of the Asian Integrated School, the first Filipino-Muslim school established in Doha, Qatar.

He said the MOFYA should motivate all OFWs to further improve their community involvement especially when they retire.

“There’s no better feeling than the feeling of being loved and recognized by your family, relatives, friends, and fellow kababayans who are also working like you for the sake of their families,” said the Hawari patriarch.

DR. Amelia Lorenzo (center), wife of the late MOFYA 2023 Sea-based National Winner Capt. Jessie Lorenzo, with her children and DMW OIC Hans Cacdac (right) and OWWA chief Arnel Ignacio (left).

Property investor

Meanwhile, Jessica Lorenzo thanked BDO for being the financial partner of choice of her late father, Capt. Jessie Lorenzo, the MOFYA 2023 Sea-based National Winner.

“When my father bought condominium units, it was from the money he saved in BDO. Thank you BDO for the assistance you have given us and to each OF (overseas Filipino) family and community,” Jessica said.

“To fellow children of OFs, we should always keep in mind the sacrifices made by our parents and the things they do for our future,” she added.

Upon graduating from the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, Lorenzo eventually became the youngest captain in his batch and a naval reservist. Not confining himself to earnings from his seafaring ways, he purchased 28 hectares of land from his first voyage to establish a diverse and sustainable agricultural enterprise.

“We started from scratch. When we got married, he was already chief mate, and I was a dentist. At that time, I was receiving only a certain amount of his allotment for our family. He would take care of our finances. Every time he would disembark, he made sure to make some investments like purchase lands. I never complained because I knew it was all for the sake of our family, especially our two children,” Dr. Lorenzo said. “We are so overwhelmed by this award from OWWA.”