ALV acquires Universal Woman pageant, to field beauty queen Maria Gigante for 2024

Under the mission of “Hope. Believe. Elevate. Be Yourself.” The Universal Woman pageant aims to shatter traditional beauty standards and expand the possibilities for women in the 21st century.

It recognizes that beauty goes beyond physical appearance and places equal importance on intellectual qualities.

The ALV Pageant Circle recently announced the Universal Woman pageant as the newest addition to its prestigious lineup of titles.

The competition is dedicated to uniting and celebrating women in philanthropy while changing the lives of women and children globally, by harmonizing physical beauty, intellectual prowess and philanthropic endeavors to create a truly universal representation of womanhood.

Contestants in the Universal Woman pageant will have the opportunity to make a difference in the world by actively engaging in philanthropic activities. Through their participation, they will embody the values of compassion, leadership and empowerment.

The Philippine competition to represent the country in the international pageant will begin in 2025. For 2024, ALV Pageant Circle has announced the appointment of Maria Gigante as the Universal Woman Philippines 2024. She will compete in the 2024 Universal Woman Pageant this coming March in Cambodia.

With her grace, intelligence and compassionate heart, Gigante’s beauty shines from within, radiating kindness and empowerment. She is a shining example of what it means to be a Universal Woman.