Why proper toilet sanitation is important

Some 166 schools from all over the country have become beneficiaries of Eskwelang Unstoppable, a nationwide and community initiative program by household care brand Domex.

The program was launched during the return of this year’s “Brigada Eskwela,” with Domex and Unilever Philippines providing disinfectants and cleaning tools to different schools. The brand also gave products to more than 1,500 volunteers who used it to sanitize their respective toilets at home, so that children have access to clean toilets whether in school or their houses.

“This partnership with various public schools and our local communities enables us to spread awareness about proper toilet maintenance and sanitation,” said Regina Ocampo, Domex brand manager. “With Domex, we can win the war against bacteria, germs and overall poor sanitation, as well as encourage the public, especially students and their parents, to also practice toilet sanitation habits in their own homes.”

Added Ocampo: “A recent study done by Economist Impact shows that there’s been an increase in access to toilets from 40 percent to 74 percent in the past six years, which is truly great news. However, the same also showed that we’re unable to maintain these clean toilets. We lost 146,000 toilets in the same period because of improper handling and lack of maintenance.

This year, under Domex’s Eskwelang Unstoppable program, Unilever volunteers reached out to students directly and taught them simple habits to maintain the cleanliness of toilets in school and at home, sharing the five Eskwelang Unstoppable rules that are easily remembered: D: Don’t hold your pee, O: Only throw trash in the trash can, M: Must flush the toilet, E: Every time, wash your hands and X: Extra water please.

Domex also educates parents to keep their families safe from germs by ensuring clean toilets at home. Last November, Domex held an event at Robinson’s Galleria in celebration of World Toilet Day featuring a short discussion with mom-influencers sharing tips and tricks on how to keep their homes clean and sanitized, alongside various fun activity booths on toilet-cleaning and germ-killing.

“The country has certainly gone a long way in providing access to clean toilets,” Ocampo said. “Nonetheless, we know that there’s still work to be done. This is why Domex commits to always be at the forefront in the war against poor sanitation — to ensure every Filipino can use decent and hygienic toilets.”