Vilmark bares emotions, struggles in new single ‘INOWY’

Unveiling your innermost thoughts and feelings to the world through music shows how intimate and delicate the art of songwriting is — at its best, allowing one to find strength in the most difficult times.

Singer-songwriter Vilmark’s latest single, “INOWY” (I’m Not Okay Without You), for instance, is a very personal song that he wrote as a way to cope after his father’s passing in 2022.

The powerful ballad is now available on major digital platforms under GMA Music.

“This song is about sharing with people that it’s okay not to be okay. Because it’s a phase that you need to go through to move forward and start anew. Until you accept the reality that you’re not okay, you’ll keep masking your true feelings. I wrote this song from a place of pain, but I hope it can bring comfort and hope to others who are going through tough times. It’s okay not to be okay, but it’s important to remember that we are not alone,” Vilmark said.

INOWY is Vilmark’s first English song.

“During the recording of the song, I remember asking my producer kung tama ba ‘yung pronunciation ko kasi I really wanted it to sound na hindi pilit (During the recording of the song, I remember asking my producer if my pronunciation was right because I didn’t want it to sound forced),” he said.

Vilmark is also a full-time engineer on night shift duty, so he finds the time to be “in the moment” to write and compose songs.

Alam ko sa sarili ko kapag in the moment ako e, kasi mabilis ako makapag-isip ng lyrics, ng exact emotions” (I know when I’m in the moment because I can quickly think of lyrics and the exact emotions needed), he said.

“INOWY” is a sequel to Vilmark’s single “Lisan,” which was selected by popular GMA actress Jennylyn Mercado as the theme song of her popular drama series Love. Die. Repeat. with Xian Lim.