Understanding the Psychic Child

(Part Four)

Difficult to understand

Our failure to realize and take into consideration the psychic dimension of the child’s world will make it difficult for us to understand his seemingly odd behavior, which may have its origin in the psychic or unseen realm.

The following example to clarify this is taken from the book, The Psychic Sense, which I have mentioned earlier.

A great difficulty for parents and teachers trying to cope with (psychic) children is to learn to discriminate between ordinary misbehavior and behavior arising from some genuine extra sensory perception. | PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/JESS ZOERB

Genuine ESP

“A great difficulty for parents and teachers trying to cope with (psychic) children is to learn to discriminate between ordinary misbehavior and behavior arising from some genuine extra sensory perception.

“I remember an incident, slight in itself, which illustrates my meaning. Jennie, in her teens, was being talked to by a well-meaning grown-up. There was nothing condemnatory, nor critical, in the conversation. It was a friendly and ordinary conversation, but I saw that Jennie was on the verge of hysteria, and at the same time, I saw the reason for it.

“The aunt, in order to emphasize various points as she went along, was using her forefinger as a stabbing instrument, and at a range of about six inches from Jennie’s body. Just as Jennie was about to wince physically and begin to cry, I said, ‘Don’t do that to Jennie, you are stabbing her aura, and hurting her!’

“A look of great relief swept across the child’s face, and she flashed a brilliant smile of obvious gratitude to me. The aunt was puzzled and quite dismayed until I explained to her that as a child, I had suffered desperately from such actions, and they did actually hurt, but naturally, unless one possessed a markedly psychic temperament, one couldn’t possibly imagine or realize such a thing.”

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