The song and sound of Innervoices

What makes InnerVoices a cut above the rest of the pop bands is they make their own music. They sing their special songs. They not only give respect, but pay tribute to the era wherein the Generation Xers’ best songs of their lives received heavy airplay on the radio, while music videos, cassette tapes and the Walkman were the most in things to get your music fixture.

The band is composed of Angelo Miguel (vocals), Rey Bergado (1st keyboard), Rene Tecson (lead guitar), Ruben Tecson (drums), Alvin Herbon (bass guitar), Joseph Cruz (second keys) and Joseph Esparrago (drums and percussions).


“Isasayaw Kita,” an original anthem, has its music video hitting more than one million views since its release. A new song “Angel” has its launch slated this 20th of March at Bar IX Molito in Alabang.     

The originals

By some universal design, I had the opportunity to manage the Original InnerVoices together with my friend, who acted as co-manager, Rachel Ramos.

It was in the early 90s, when their bassist Porong de Torres, introduced his band mates to me, graduating college students from a Catholic school in Intramuros.  Bergado, Sandy Buenconsejo, Baldwin Diaz, Red Miane and Ruben Tecson.

All of them private school educated, palpable boy-band-ish charms, wide eyed dreamers and optimists, bounded by their collective passion to perform, showcase what they have to offer and grab the chance and platform to play their original songs.

They were young boys who grew up with 80s music and they played the songs from that definitive era with drive, energy, gusto and fun.

By some magic, Rachel and I got them a gig at the center of the live band circuit then, Arts Venue, wherein these juveniles performed side by side with seasoned show bands.

Booked them in Music Bureau, the biggest musical show that featured popular and up-and-coming bands. They performed an original Bergado composition, “Come Back, Come Back!” And as a trivia, in the line of bands as guests that particular taping, the Eraserheads was one of them, with their anthems “Ligaya” and “Pare Ko,” already receiving much radio requests and love from their slowly but surely growing fandoms.

The late-night Channel 7 program for classical music, aptly entitled A Little Night of Music, was where “Please Stay,” a Bergado ballad creation, premiered on national television.

The write-ups about them by co-manager Ramos landed on the entertainment sections of a major broadsheet and tabloid. There were other memorable venues for gigs and out of town engagements. As expected, the college boys needed to earn their degrees, make more adult men choices and priorities, and realize bigger and bolder dreams, individually and as a group.

Three of the Originals are in foreign shores now with families and businesses, but the love for music and performing remains in their core and gut.  The rest followed their career calling and personal inner voices as well.

Bergado is now a lawyer, and continues with the legacy of the band, with new and tribute music to awe and inspire present generation of believers and followers.

InnerVoices now

“Passion,” said InnerVoices band leader and musical composer Bergado as the reason why he never gave up and the burning flame continues for the 33-year old band.

He added: “That inner duwende is alive and kicking still, forever giving me inspiration to make new songs, always exciting me to go up on stage, play with my keyboards and lead the band as we go through our sets composed of songs that have not only touched but remain in the collective hearts and minds of those who had the 80s and 90s music as the back drop and soundtrack of their wonder years.”

Miguel, front man and lead vocalist of InnerVoices said: “My parents, and their cassette tapes of 80s music played repeatedly at home when I was growing so it was a natural thing for me to hook to it. And may I add, the songs from that era had the best lyrics and messages, and what added to the powers of the songs, is that you can actually sing it, while you’re dancing. The lyrics had a life of its own and it was never drowned by all the synthesizers, guitars and all the prevalent instruments that were staples then.

“Up to now, the words and themes of the songs are relevant still. Nothing is lost or considered cliché. It stood the test of time and as I sing and perform it now, it connects to all. Not only for the Gen Xers, the millennials and Gen Zs are loving the groove, the messages. These songs and the mojos they contain, are potent then and addictive in a great kind of way today.”

On stage, Angelo is a visual delight, with that undeniable male supermodel X-factor, sexuality that reeks, and a fantabulous voice range, lowest of lows, and highest of highs, and a diction that pronounces the vowels and consonants perfectly, a musical theater training and experience cannot be denied.  In the chit-chat, he informed me that he bagged the role of Jesus Christ in the rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar during his musical fledgling season.

The songs of InnerVoices are about feelings and sentiments, heartaches and breakups, the many by-ways and high ways, peaks and valleys of love. Songs choices for performances and original compositions tell stories, stirs emotion and most importantly, connect personally to their audiences and listeners.

The sound, thanks to the expertise and experience of the gentlemen who complete the band, pulsate, vibrant, powerful, soothing, sensational, sincere and definitely world-class. InnerVoices, distinctively Manila sound, and undeniable kay ganda ng ating musika (how beautiful our music is) kind of music. Rock on!