Simple natural remedies — old and new


Popularly known for its medicinal properties and as a culinary aid, Apple Cider Vinegar ranks high on the list as a preferred curative of choice.

Many claim that it can improve digestion, resolve heartburn and prevent infection. Truth be told, many converts swear by the efficacy of just a spoonful of ACV. This concoction is a type of vinegar which is made from fermented apples, yeast and sugar.

People will attest to the fact that a cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of ACV and one teaspoon of honey makes indigestion go away. Interestingly, new research shows that ACV could be an aid to weight loss and the reduction of blood sugar levels. Good news for those who wish to shed a few pounds. 

The ACV you buy in grocery stores is the filtered and pasteurized kind. But if you want the more natural version, you might be able to purchase it in its raw state which contains the “mother”  (settled bacteria and yeast).

For its kitchen uses, ACV can perk up salad dressings and meat and fish sauces. You may want to try it sometime. No worries. ACV is considered harmless. 

While its tart and acidic taste may not appeal to everyone, there are many who enjoy its strong flavor. 

The best time to consume this tea is in the morning on an empty stomach. Beginners may opt to start with a teaspoon, then gradually increase to one tablespoon. 


Candida Albicans fungal and E Coli bacterial cleanse — for prevention of intestinal infections (as a tea, one tablespoon ACV in a cup of warm water)

Helicobacter pylori cleanse — bad breath eradicator. Use as a mouthwash (one tablespoon ACV in warm water)



Considered an ancient remedy, the oil comes from the castor oil bean or seeds.

For starters, castor oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-fungal properties. It has been touted to have pain-relieving benefits, as well as a constipation remedy.

Before you start taking castor oil, a reminder: it is not recommended for pregnant women, people with certain health conditions and children under 12 years of age. Consult your doctor first before you try anything new especially if you are taking prescription meds.

Test yourself for skin allergy. Try out a small portion on your skin. Observe well if you do not have any irritation. 


Laxative. When consumed, its fatty acid is absorbed by the small intestines. To be taken only in small doses,

Skin softener /moisturizer. Mix it with coconut oil as it may be too thick when used alone. 

Hot oil pack for the stomach. It softens the stools by cleansing the gut.

Foot rub. It softens the skin and relaxes tired feet.

Breast rub. It promotes circulation, and may relieve fibrocystic breasts. Apply a castor oil pack on the breasts for relief. Avoid the nipple area.

Scalp treatment. May control dandruff. Some people believe that it helps in hair growth. 

Affirmation: “I am a source of inspiration to many.” 

Love and Light.