Quezon City Police District goes green

VEGETABLE gardens in vacant lots and available spaces at camp Karingal. |

Fruit trees and vegetable gardens have sprouted in the five-hectare headquarters of the Quezon City Police District as officers try their hand on urban farming under the initiative called “‘Project Green Camp Karingal.”

The project started on 22 January is in support to the advocacies of Mayor Joy Belmonte, QCPD Director Brig. Gen. Redrico Maranan told the DAILY TRIBUNE.


Maranan said the QCPD is one with the Quezon City local government in promoting sustainability, environmental responsibility and the comprehensive well-being of camp residents.

After launching “‘Project Green Camp Karingal,” Maranan recalled ordering the planting of fruit trees and vegetables in every corner, vacant lots and available spaces in the camp.

The Special Weapons And Tactics unit now has a vegetable garden greeting visitors at their entrance.

Tomato plants are beginning to bear berries. There are also eggplants, okras, pechays and string beans in the garden.

At the back of the grandstand and track oval are various plants such as narra, mahogany, talisay, coconut, mango, umbrella, paper, sampaloc, cacao, guyabano, guava, santol, acacia, mabolo, bignay, caimito, ipil-ipil and pine. In a matter of years, the plants will grow into trees that will also shade the grandstand from the sun.

The trees were planted and being maintained by Maranan’s Command Group or the Chief District Directorial Staffs composed of high-ranking officials of QCPD.

The District Mobile Force Battalion, whose members patrol city streets, have their own vegetable garden planted with bell pepper, onion and mint plus rainwater-catching drums for watering the plants.

The District Drug Enforcement Unit have pots planted with siling labuyo, patola and ampalaya.

Maranan said he has already ordered the replication of the urban gardens in the QCPD’s 16 police stations.

He also told station commanders to device ways on how to store rainwater for use in flushing toilets, watering plants and cleaning.

Maranan said the PGCK is also part of the Philippine National Police’s core values of being “makakalikasan” or pro-environment.

“This is also to show that the command (QCPD) is in line with not only the mayor but also the PNP’s environmental advocacy and is committed to upholding environmental laws protecting the planet,” the police chief said.

Maranan also ordered the utilization of solar panels and energy-saving lights. A number of solar posts have already been placed around the camp.

Also among the activities under the project is the segregation of solid waste and the practice of 3Rs — reuse, reduce and recycle.

Further, the project enforces the “No Plastic and No Styro” policy to minimize if not eradicate the use of plastic bottles and styrofoam food containers to reduce plastic wastes and instead use water dispensers and paper cups.