My dad, my hero

The founder of Guild Collective Justin Ricklefs once said that the power of a father in his child’s life is unmatched.

Like mothers, fathers serve an important role in the upbringing of a child — emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

They are not just “the protector, the provider and the disciplinarian,” as traditionally perceived, but also influential in molding their children’s character.

Let’s get to know how some notable public figures are as Dads, straight from the mouth of (their) babes.

Honor, integrity and family first

Bernadette Romulo Puyat, former Philippine Tourism Secretary and now Deputy Governor of Central Bank of the Philippines, on her dad Alberto Romulo

Fond memories

I have my dad to thank for exposing me to a wide variety of dishes when I was young.

My father always had a strong sense of pride for his hometown of Camiling, Tarlac. This pride was influential in our upbringing. Our family always delighted in savoring Chicharong Camiling (bagnet) and tupig (Filipino rice cake found in Luzon).

As a senator, my father also frequently traveled across the country. From the different regions he visited, he always brought back local cuisine for us to try.

These experiences played a significant role in shaping my deep passion for food.

Growing up

My dad was an assemblyman, Minister in the Department of Budget Management, senator, Secretary of Finance, Executive Secretary and Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Based on his previous occupations, you can imagine how busy he was. Even though he always had a lot on his plate, he always managed to find time for us when it mattered. There was never a moment where I felt neglected, and I could always rely on him.

Teen years

Growing up, my dad always stressed the significance of leading a modest lifestyle. He valued living within our means and dedicating time to reading and studying.

He also strongly emphasized integrity. My dad always reminded us that the most valuable legacy is a strong and honorable reputation.

Memorable gift

The most memorable present from my dad is not a material object. Although this may sound clichéd, the lessons and guidance he gave me while growing up is the gift most ingrained in my memory.

About men

That we should marry someone like him. Loyal and faithful to our mom.

This June 29th marks their 61st wedding anniversary. Even at 89 years old, would you believe my dad is still meticulously planning their anniversary celebration.


I’ve seen the profound impact of my dad’s thoughtfulness and empathy on others. Throughout his career as a public servant, he cultivated many meaningful connections. It was always his priority to reach out and help the people around him, despite his busy schedule.

Witnessing his people-centric values and approach inspires me to be more like him.


I am extremely proud to be his daughter. The person I have become today is a direct reflection of the values he instilled in me while growing up.


One step at a time

Noey dela Merced on dad, businessman Noel dela Merced

Fond memories

There are many fond memories between me and my dad but one that stuck out for me was our Friday movie nights where every week, he’d take me out and we’d spend time and watch in the cinema together.


As a kid I think we bonded through the little routines and rituals we did from those aforementioned movie nights to the weekend grocery runs or even those quieter moments where we would sit and watch TV.


A piece of advice that stuck with me the most would have to be not to linger too long on your mistakes, just learn from them and move on.

Memorable gift

A gift that I’ll never forget would be my first official watch which he gave me for my 18th birthday. It was like a passing of the baton, as well as becoming included into one of his passions.

About women

When it comes to women my father upheld the values taught by both my mother and grandmother, who led by example.


There was this time when I joined my dad for a run one morning. Throughout the run, I’d lag behind, run out of breath or lose my step. Every time this would happen, my dad would adjust and hype me up enough to move back in. When we finished, he just told me to take it one step at a time and to focus and now every lesson ties back into that.


Between me and my dad, we haven’t had any particularly hard times in our relationship as with all of my family. We are a tightly packed unit.


There aren’t a lot of things I haven’t told my dad but I’d like him to know that he’s a great father and I’m proud to be his son.


Role model to the core

Lawyer Anna Cristina Collantes, executive vice president of the Provincial Women Coordinating Council Batangas Inc., on her dad, Mayor Sonny Perez Collantes of Tanauan City, Batangas

Fond memories

Daddy is such a funny guy! He would tell the funniest stories and play lots of games with me. I’m too old for that already, but I still remember the rides on his shoulders as we would walk through the farm in Tanauan where we lived when I was a kid. He liked to feed us and treat us to restaurants in Manila every time school ended.

Growing up

Dad and I have a passion for books. We would read the classics and biographies of world leaders. We often exchange ideas about what we read and how it relates to present day.

Teen years

My dad was very strict when I was a teenager! He would tell me to enjoy my youth and not to try and grow up so fast. He told me to enjoy my teens, but to always study hard, respect and value myself, and to engage in community affairs.

Memorable gift

Every moment with my parents, especially my father, is a gift and each memory I make with my dad both then and now will always be the most memorable and precious gift.

About men

He always told me not to trust men! Hahaha! But that is of course before I met my dearest husband, Raffy. On a serious note, Dad would always tell me to pray for the man I will marry and to keep praying for my husband. In the middle of any relationship, there must be the grace and guidance of our Christ through the intercession of Mama Mary.


My father has taught me the values of hard work, resilience and patience through example. That is the best way children learn value — by being a role model. My father’s work ethic, ability to think through problems and his grace under pressure is bar none. I’ve seen all my life through the family’s triumphs, struggles and pain.


Being both stubborn and headstrong as we are both eldest children in our respective families, we do have different opinions sometimes. Nonetheless, I was taught by example to respect and heed to your parents. I always do my best to listen to the voice of my parents’ reasoning and respect their views and experiences in life.


Happy, happy Father’s Day! I couldn’t have prayed or asked for a better father in you. I pray that you be blessed with lots of love, laughter and continuous good health.


Be the best you can be

Maki Cruz on his dad Felipe “Philip” Cruz, retired president and shareholder of FF Cruz

Fond memories

One of my fond memories of him was when he took me around on a boat trip and we dove throughout the different islands of Palawan — especially the first time I did shipwreck diving.


We normally bonded over watching TV on weekends. We also play golf together.


He told me that there are two types of people: leaders and followers. Leaders get to bend the rules.

On women

Date someone who has the same education level as you.


I’m trying to be the best man I could be. There were times I got lost, trying to find meaning in my life. Thank you for being there for me. I finally found my answer. Hope my efforts this year show.


Renée Puno Crisologo on her dad, Atty. Rene Puno

Leading by example

Fond memories

Mealtimes! Dad loves food and he would always make it a point to eat out at least once a week when I was younger. It was always nice to share meals with him and the other members of our family, and consciously set aside time to dine together, converse and just enjoy each other’s company.

Growing up

Besides our many travels, I will always treasure our evenings together. My siblings and I would sleep in my parents’ room until we hit our teens, so we had ample opportunities to spend quality time together.

Teen years

Be your own best friend. As a young adult battling insecurities and learning to love herself, this was always a very grounding reminder.

Memorable gift

Our beach house in Calatagan. I will forever be grateful to my dad for having the courage to one day decide to build a subdivision by the beach, decades ago. So many core memories with family, friends and loved ones have been made here, and are continued to be made here, by ourselves and our neighbors. My two-year-old daughter has been going to Calatagan since she was three weeks old, and it served as a haven for us all during the pandemic — with its wide open spaces, clear water and fresh air. The wonder and magic that this special place has brought into our lives are all thanks to my dad’s love for his family and his determination to create a home away from home.

About men

Besides a couple of inside jokes (that will stay between us), dad always told me that he and mom would accept whomever we chose to love. And he truly lived up to his words.


My dad is a strong believer in leading by example. For instance, he would tell us not to smoke because he himself didn’t smoke. He would advise us not to drink excessively because he himself didn’t drink. His actions spoke louder than words, and he would always practice what he preached.


He and I are both perfectionist, type A people with strong personalities. But, we always manage to talk through things and let our love for each other triumph over differences.


I love you, dad! I will always be your little girl, and you will always be the first man in my life. Thank you for the love, guidance and beautiful memories we have shared and continue to share.

PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF RENEE PUNO | Renee Puno with dad Rene Puno.

One-on-one game

Jose Miguelin “Migo” Syquia Hizon on his dad Rico Hizon, broadcast journalist, senior anchor and director for news content development at CNN Philippines.

Fond memories:

One of my many fond memories with my dad is when we play basketball together — especially those moments when we would make funny faces or dance on court to distract each other while taking a shot at the basket in a one-on-one game.


We bond by being open with each other and talking about our everyday life and problems.


My dad always tells me to be open with your parents because no matter how bad the news is, at the end of the day, there will always be a solution.

Memorable gift:

My life.

About women:

Trust your gut feeling. Be sensitive to other people’s feelings.


Always keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.

He tells me to get things done on time and I should do it no matter the challenges and hurdles.


I love you daddy and I appreciate everything you do for me.

PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF MIGO HIZON | Migo with his parents Rico and Melanie Hizon.

‘All out’ for education

Don Ramon Bagatsing, chairman and chief vibe officer of Eco Hotel, on dad, politician and diplomat Ramon Bagatsing Jr.

Fond memories

He would encourage me to be physically active as a child. So, I would play sports from morning until night. When he could, he would drop in and watch. I would bicycle as far as I could, I would go with him to the farm and learn about livestock and get my hands dirty and feet in the mud. He encouraged these different experiences.

Teen years

The usual. Stay away from vices and drugs. Concentrate on your school, study hard and read.

Memorable gift

He never gave me anything material. But when it came to education, reading and books. He was ALL OUT.

About women

Be civil and courteous to all. Watch your words carefully. Be careful of what you say.


He was the most simple and humble person I know. As in.


Politics. Magulo talaga yan (It’s really complicated). How do we resolve these differences? Well, because of the education he provided for me, I have solid principles. He knows that. I won’t change my principles no matter what. That kind of mutual respect is unspoken.


I am who I am because of him. Inom kami, nood ng basketball sa TV. Alam na niya yun (We drink, we watch basketball. He knows it).

PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF THE BAGATSING FAMILY | Ramon Bagatsing Jr. and Don Ramon Bagatsing.