MSMEs pull tech levers

Entrepreneur Junrey Pañamogan from Mati City in Davao Oriental, who was among the participants of eBiznovation rolled out nationwide by PLDT and Smart. | Photograph courtesy of PLDT

PLDT Group, together with TikTok Shop, have teamed up with various government agencies to use and turn these challenges into business opportunities for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to increase their income through e-commerce.

Thirty-six-year-old entrepreneur Junrey Pañamogan from Mati City in Davao Oriental was among the participants of eBiznovation, a digital-upskilling-to-e-commerce program, created and rolled out in various regions nationwide by PLDT and Smart.

Joining the program has been a game-changer for Pañamogan’s dried squid business.

“TikTok is very trendy right now and I initially thought it was only for entertainment. Because of PLDT and Smart’s eBiznovation program, I have learned how TikTok Shop could be beneficial to small-time entrepreneurs like me who want to establish an online presence for our products,” he said.