Mercedes Benz EQ reigns supreme in the South

Innovating vehicle owners have switched, albeit slowly, to the once regarded not-too-long-ago futuristic electric cars. The variety of reasons include cost savings and cheaper maintenance
— not to mention its significant environmental benefits.It likewise guarantees a smoother and quieter driving experience.

Edward Onglatco, Global Star motors president.

The Mercedes Benz EQ, the much-awaited all–electric vehicle series, was recently launched by Global Star Motors Corporation, the exclusive retailer of Mercedes Benz vehicles in the Visayas and Mindanao, at its ultra-modern showroom in Nivel Hills, Cebu.

Harry Lim, Lucio Lim Jr, Barbara Gothong-Tan, Dennis Tan, Karen Kristie Ong and Erik Ong.
Kenneth Huan, Global Star Motors senior vice president.
Jan Michael Villamor, Global Star Motors sales manager for Mercedes-Benz.

With the company’s latest offering, the VVIPs beaming with pride included Edward Vincent Onglatco, Kenneth Huan, Barbara Gothong Tan, Ritchell Selma Jordan, Jan Michael Villamor, Rays Cerdeña and Angelica Sardoma.

Drew Sarmiento, Brian Ochoa, Carl Cabusas and Edward Onglatco.

With safety at the forefront, Mercedes Benz utilizes the latest safety features especially advanced driver-assistance systems to ensure protection on the road. In a nutshell, Mercedes Benz EQ are not just vehicles — they are a promise of luxury, performance and sustainability. And of course, safety.

Clark Matin-ao, Ritchell Selma Jordan, Rays Cerdena, Jose Gilbert Alferez, Emerseon Yoo and Ejay Williams.
Danessa Onglatco, Carla Yeung McKowen, Rae Francine Siao, Frances Siao, Paz Perdices and Maitina Borromeo.

The Mercedes Benz EQ series stands at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, where the commitment to luxury and performance meets a sustainable and electrifying future.