Kim struggles keeping up with her kids

She only makes it look good, but Kim Kardashian said she, too, experiences the hardships of being a mother to her four kids.

In a podcast episode of Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose,” the mega influencer said she has trouble putting her brood to bed.

“Everyone says the days are long and the years are short, and that couldn’t be a more true statement,” she said. “When you’re in it — especially when they’re babies and you’re feeding and there’s madness going on — it’s, like, full madness. It’s the best chaos, though.”

Kardashian is mother to North, 9; Saint 7; Chicago 5, Psalm 4. She shares the kids with her former husband Kanye West to whom she was married for seven years.

Busy as she is with her empire of business and reality shows, Kardashian said she’s not exempted from the day-to-day toils of motherhood.

“My mornings? You have no idea what’s going on,” she said. “I always have to do one of my daughters’ hair, and it has to be perfect and it has to be a certain way, and then this one needs me to put his shoes on. They all need you, and it’s, like, full crazy madness — cooking, running around. That’s why I need my workout in the morning, to prepare for the two hours of craziness.”

Constantly in the spotlight and having her share of controversies through the years, Kardashian said motherhood presented a whole new challenge in itself.

“Parenting is the thing that has taught me the most about myself,” added the 42-year-old. “It has been the most challenging thing. There are nights I cry myself to sleep. Like, what happened with all the moods and the personalities? And sometimes they’re fighting and there’s no one there, it’s me to play good cop and bad cop. So, that is definitely a challenge. Something I’m working on is being a little bit firmer.”