Just believe!

Life is shaped by a confluence of many forces. As if forging metals into its ultimate form, a person is molded through the ebb and flow of existence.

And yet, when someone is in agreement with life, everything seems to fall into place — good and bad. A relationship is formed, a covenant made based on hope.

Looking back

There are moments — some memorably happy, others painfully poignant. In time, we learn that building a life is made up of every single morsel of memory. It is your birthright to grow despite the fact that life can be both trying and triumphant. In the end, you are the stronger for it.

Looking back teaches you to see just how far you have come and how well you should reward yourself for your victories.

There are lessons learned, some bitterly, others sweetly. Life-changing events can rip you from the very roots of your child-like innocence.

So, here is my story. I was a kidnap victim in 1995 while taping on location in Lake Caliraya, Laguna, for my show Citiline on ABS-CBN. Ambushed and held hostage by five armed men put me in a place I had never known before to face fear itself. We were taken to Quezon National Park where my driver was shot, presumably killed. I was left with my personal assistant in the company of men who worshipped the devil, not God.

TO God almighty!

Had I reached the dead end of my dreams or was this a harrowing trial which I had to surmount? I could have given up. But I didn’t. Instead, I chose to overcome what might have been a tragic ending.

In all honesty, when you accept the fact that no one is going to save you except yourself, enlightenment becomes yours and then you are liberated. Unshackled, you look at the world with a new pair of eyes. But as in personal battles, which can be deeply spiritual, you need an army in order to defeat the enemy. Even if I was alone, I felt that I had not been abandoned. That’s when I discovered the true meaning of prayer. All it takes is complete surrender to an inner knowing that no matter what, answered prayers are yours. True freedom comes from total surrender to a Higher Power — to God Almighty. The minute you do, expect divine intervention which leads to miracles.

I know, because it happened to me. In my greatest fear of being killed while facing the barrel of a gun, I simply declared: “Lord, you gave me life. Only you have the power to take it.”

Suddenly, a thunderous voice echoed in my ear: “It’s not your time.” And then, a prayer popped into my head, “Blood of Christ cover me and deliver me from danger.” This was my new-found anchor. I did not stop praying until my eventual rescue by the Philippine National Police of Calauag, Quezon.

Keeping the faith

Each day, I wake up with gratitude while blessing every new sunrise.

This is the truth: Miracles happen to those who believe in positive outcomes, who love without measure, who give without counting and who pray unceasingly.

Look inside yourself. There is a warrior that lives in you. And if you allow the warrior to take over, then you will discover your immense power to overcome anything.

You will believe in miracles. Ultimately, you become the miracle.

And this is how the future is forged.

Cory Quirino is a popular television and radio host and author of bestselling book series, “Forever Young.” She writes a weekly column for the Daily Tribune titled Beyond Wellness.