Ellen Adarna shares John LLoyd Cruz exceeds financial support for Elias

During her recent Q and A on her Instagram stories, Ellen Adarna revealed that John Lloyd Cruz gives more than what is expected from him in terms of financial support for their son Elias.

A netizen asked, “Did JLC support Ellias financially?”

Adarna did not hold and generously explained every detail regarding the matter.

“When he asked me how much does Elias need, I gave him a breakdown–just his basic needs, and that’s P10,000 max. But he insisted on doubling it.”, she said.

She also added, “I know he’s capable of giving more than that, but I told him I cannot accept anything more than P20,000 because we’re co-parenting. I also have my obligations and responsibilities for Elias so it’s just fair.”

Adarana confirmed their separation last April 2020, and their practicing a modern family setup now through co-parenting their son Elias