Dynamism enters the picture

Technology in photography is growing by leaps and bounds with the emergence of artificial intelligence. It is creating a big impact where amazing things can be achieved in photo editing, enhancing, automating programs and backgrounds.

I consider myself to have been at the right time and at the right place. I am grateful to have had my share of amazing memories in photography, from New York to Paris. I have been fortunate to have had the help of dear friends, such as Betsy Westendorp, who had organized my photo shoots in Madrid, arranging a sitting with the Duchess of Calabria, Princess Anne, at her home — a royal who rarely allows herself to be photographed. Betsy also scheduled shoots with other members of royalty.

In Washington D.C., I was called “Photographer to the Faaabulous” in a frontpage Lifestyle interview by Stephanie Mansfield at the Washington Post, having photographed the rich and famous of New York, Washington D.C., Palm Beach, San Francisco, Paris, Madrid and Manila.

It used to be that I was known and admired for doing portraits of members of the Old Guard. With the march of time and the changing patterns of social interaction, where talent, achievement and ingenuity count more and are given a high premium, I have widened the reach of my art and craft. After all, I am an admirer of people who combine heart, hands and brains to produce something for society. Nonetheless, portraiture will continue to be the domain of the discriminating. The Old Guard may remain to be entrenched but they, too, have become very inclusive and share the same passions and challenges as the emerging elite who enliven the social scene, as much as they bring in change and contribute to the new dynamism in all fronts — social, economic, cultural and political.

As to the specifics of our direction, this year marks our 11th year of Faaabvlous.

Faaabvlous XI will be held in November at the Marriott Hotel Manila Grand Ballroom. This annual exhibit is presented in partnership with the Advertising Foundation of the Philippines through the kindness of Linda Gamboa.

It supports the advocacies of the Adfoundation, as well as the various beneficiaries through the years. Teamed up with Dean Decker, we plan to continue Faaabvlous as long as we get the enthusiasm, support and cooperation of the participating subjects, the ladies and men, the sponsors and patrons. People look forward to the Faaabvlous events. This year’s theme will be Erte, with the ladies dressed in their finest Erte-inspired gowns.

This year, we are also publishing three coffee table books.

First is the Having a Ball, Volume Two, sponsored by Rustan’s, through the kind heart of Nedy Tantoco, and of which Jojo Silvestre is graciously writing the profile. The first volume (2019) was sold out, and this book is a tribute to my late wife, Tina Hidalgo Jacinto, who was a society columnist of a national newspaper for a decade. The book launch will be held in August at Rustan’s Makati. Book sales will be in support of the “Ina ng Laging Saklolo” Chapel in San Antonio, Nueva Ecija. Other sponsors are Titania Wine Cellar, chef Jessie Sincioco and Gina Ronquillo.

Among the cover ladies are Nedy Tantoco, Margie Floirendo and Pinky Tobiano. The second coffee table book to be launched this year is Faaabvlous XI and the third book is Decade of Faaabvlous, a gallery compilation of all the past subjects of Faaabvlous, from Faaabvlous 1 to 10. Both books will be launched during the Faaabvlous XI gala event in November.

My other interest, aside from photography, is dabbling in art, and I shall continue to paint abstract works during my free time.

Rupert Jacinto is a renowned Filipino photographer. He’s also an international award-winning portrait photographer.