Did the hidden forces delay the book?

Part Two

Strong Thunderstorm

After this incident, one of his only three printing personnel, who was specifically working on this book, suddenly left him without prior notice — thereby further delaying it, as well as the other jobs they had on hand.

As if these were not enough, when the book was almost completed, and only the trimming was left undone, and in the presence of the author and two of his friends, who were eagerly waiting for the book, a strong thunderstorm developed, which caused the lights to suddenly go out, throwing the shop in total darkness.

A4-size Gestetner offset-printing machine. | PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF creative commons/Philippe Teuwen from Belgium – Offset gestetner A4/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Machine Cracked

Bonggo lighted some candles and completed the job manually. The first three copies of the seemingly forbidden book were finally handed to the author at almost 12 midnight, with a sign of relief from Bonggo.

Because of the heavy downpour, the streets got flooded, and due to the heavy traffic, the author and his companions almost got caught in the curfew.

When the revised edition of the same book was being printed, the one-fourth inch thick metallic side of the Gestetner Mimeographing Machine cracked as the 13th page of the book was about to be fed into it.

PSYCHIC phenomenons have been happening since Bonggo started working on the book. | PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF unsplash/kenny eliason

Similar Incident

The above incidents could easily have been forgotten, were it not for the fact that they were evidently not unique, for they closely paralleled what happened to Time Magazine when it put out a cover on The Psychics” in its 4 March 1974 issue. When he was working on that issue, senior editor, Leon Jaroff, related how three times in a row, his clock-radio failed to go off, making him late for work.

“Even more bizarre,” wrote Time’s publisher, Ralph P. Davidson, “was the mysterious force that glitched Time’s complex computerized copy-processing system on closing night, at almost the precise moment that our psychic phenomena story was fed to it. Against astronomical odds, both of the machines that print out Time’s copy stopped working simultaneously. No sooner were the spirits exorcised, and the machines back in operation, than the IBM computer in effect swallowed the entire cover story. It developed a flaw in its programming that sent the copy circling endlessly through memory loops from which it could not be retrieved. Thirteen hours and a second expert exorcism later, the IBM 370/135 snapped out of its trance and grudgingly returned the finished story to us.”

Whether such events are mere coincidences or deliberately planned and controlled by a higher force or energy for a definite purpose, as claimed by the ancient masters and even by modern psychics, is difficult to tell. However, they do force us to reexamine the very roots of our beliefs.

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