Darryl Yap assails BBM over Coldplay?

Darryl Yap’s post from four days ago has suddenly been making the rounds today. He seemingly criticizes President Marcos’ attendance at the Coldplay concert held at the Philippine Arena on 19-20 January, echoing the sentiments of many, who thought the use of the Presidential chopper to transport the first family was a waste of resources. He doesn’t name any names, but does he really have to though? He said, “ANG BEST SECURITY MEASURE AY WAG NA SYA PUMUNTA.” He also asked in what appears to be a sarcastic tone if the Coldplay concert is in the best interests of the nation. Surely he can’t mean anyone else but President Bongbong? It is no secret that Darryl Yap is very close to Imee Marcos, who has taken many an opposing position to that of her brother of late, especially concerning the Dutertes. It doesn’t escape the attention of the public that all this noise could just be a stunt.