Around the world in a day

Continental exploration. Europe and Americas entrances. | Photographs by Edu Jarque for the Daily Tribune

Can you travel to 90 countries in just one day? I have!

Oh, I jest but it may as well be a reality in Dubai’s Global Village, an in-demand destination in the United Arab Emirates which features the various heritage sites, customs and traditions, arts and culture, sights and sounds of almost a hundred nations and territories, rising from the desolate desert, a rambling complex that is all so beautiful.

Historic architecture. The colorful traditional tower houses of Yemen, Bahrain and Egypt.

The ingenious idea, which had its own share of doomsayers, began with a sprinkling of tiny kiosks in January of 1997. It has since expanded — make that exploded exponentially — to massive rosaries of gems that it is today, one grander than the next.

Walk into individual unique worlds of locally crafted, but globally appealing, admired shopping items, national cuisines as authentic as you can get, globally renowned travel destinations, and more offers and surprises. Enumerating them all might just spoil your planned visit! Be counted among the over seven million visitors annually, all very satisfied, fulfilled and elated.

Past rulers. The facade of the Egyptian country booth.

Here are five essential spots to visit during your tour of the Global Village:

Far reaches: Continental exploration

A choice venue which affects all earthly senses, while it touches the soul, the village — which is a misnomer — gave recognition to their respective years of yore. We were amazed at the dedication to authenticity of the Americas, where both the North and South were represented via the Triumphal Arch of Mexico and the stelae of the ancient Mayan city of Palenque, the art style of the Incans and even a tribute to Native Americans in their traditional attires and accessories.

Cultural identity. A sculpture of a Native American tribe elder.

Meanwhile, Europe boasted of the Renaissance culture of Florence and more, reminiscent of the awe-striking Schönbrunn Palace, the summer home of the Hapsburg dynasty, in Vienna, Austria and the Eiffel Tower of Paris, France. Africa, whose exterior drew inspiration from the renowned Arusha Museum, was a sight to behold, with its genuine representation of the Maasai tribes, the Nubians.

Asia had a variety of influences, with odes to Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Thailand, Japan and Korea — all in one area. Meanwhile, Oceania was likewise given representation through one of its most iconic sceneries, the Sydney Opera House.

Influences of Civilizations Past – The Turkey Pavillion

Cultural immersion: Country pavilions

From a general overview of each continent, we then visited individual countries, all with their very own unique offerings, all with a mission to promote their own honored essence. For instance, we went to the Land of the Rising Sun and sighted the Shinto torii gate, while beautiful geishas and formidable samurais greeted us. Perhaps you should consider watching a sumo wrestling match?

Come One Come All – The grand entrada to the Global Village in Dubai

China, on the other hand, had a majestic arrangement of the Beijing siheyuan, which are inward-facing homes with a central courtyard. We enjoyed a showcase of a coordinated and precise Dragon Dance while sipping on faithful, freshly brewed herbal tea. Don’t forget to stop by Turkey, which reflected the various civilizations from Persia, Greece, and Armenia which found home in their lands through the centuries. We gasped at the representations of the Hagia Sophia and the Galata Tower in their full glory, and then gazed at the picturesque view of the stone foundations and caves of Cappadocia.

Selfies galore: Iconic landmarks

The Big Ben of London in Great Britain; the Statue of Liberty of New York, United States; the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt; the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy; the pagodas that dot Japan; the wind towers of Dubai, United Arab Emirates; the Taj Mahal of Agra, India — these attractions are considered main destinations in their very own right. But we were pleased to notice realistic recreations of all these within the global compound! We witnessed several wide-eyed tourists take selfies at each and every location, perhaps as a reminder to themselves to visit or return to the sites, someday.

All Senses Stimulated – A vignette of various landmarks across the globe

Be entertained: Activities galore

Though we had our own country agendas, my sisters, travel buddies and I met up to select from the lineup of shows and recreations we could partake in. We had a difficult time, for we heard there were over 40,000 different options, which change on a daily basis.

Ancient Tapestry – The Moroccan area

We were mesmerized with Fusion Japan, a combination of breakdance and jazz music, as two rival crews duked it out on the dance floor. We then saw The Nine, a team of precise movers, all with their own LED lights, hopping among nine different screens and stages. Finally, we teased each other to venture into a world unfamiliar to us. Dubbed Cyber City, a neon-colored dystopian world, it is where gigantic towers of the ultra-wealthy loomed in the distance.

As authentic as it gets. The Floating Market.

International cuisine: Floating market

Located right next to a waterform dubbed as the Dragon Lake, the aptly named Floating Market was a gastronomical dream come true. Featuring food from all over the world, it truly was a haven where we savored a blend of Western and Eastern delights. Make certain to try the Thai and Japanese sections for their fresh seafood selections, plus don’t forget the curated steaks and grilled delicacies!

These are our five magical postcards. What’s yours?