Renowned Dubai-based Filipino fashion designer, Michael Cinco, is bringing his exquisite creations to his home country, the Philippines, via “The Philippine Legacy Gala 2023, Michael Cinco: The Impalpable Dream of España,” a fashion extravaganza on 27 November at the Marriott Grand Ballroom, Manila.
Embracing the vibrant culture of Spain, this highly anticipated event will showcase a fusion of art, history and architecture. From the breathtaking Roman Catholicism of La Sagrada de Familia in Barcelona to the iconic masterpieces of Spanish-native artists like Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí and the captivating Spanish matadors and flamenco dancers, Cinco’s collection captures the essence of Spain in every stitch.
Drawing inspiration from his travels and the beauty of various countries, Cinco’s latest collection consists of 50 haute couture looks. This gala will also mark the launch of his new perfume series and jewelry line, offering a complete lifestyle brand experience.
As the only Filipino designer who has achieved international acclaim, Cinco has dressed A-list Hollywood celebrities including Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Mila Kunis, Rihanna and Naomi Campbell. His talent has been recognized with various prestigious awards, including the Presidential Award for Outstanding Filipinos Overseas, the People of the Year Award and the Designer of the Year at the EMI Gala Awards Night in Dubai.
Proceeds from the fashion extravaganza will benefit The Philippine Missionari Della Fondazione di Carita, Inc. and the Gusi Peace Prize Foundation.
For sponsors partnership and table reservation, message Mary at 0917-3269988 or email [email protected].