7 ways to show kindness  to your liver

You know what health experts say about the liver. If ever you get seriously ill, then it is your liver that your doctor will first look at.

Being the second largest detox organ, the liver works extremely hard to filter everything you eat or drink. And this includes all the medication you take as well.

Here are simple wellness approaches to be kind to your liver.

Watch what you drink. Minimize alcohol intake. Be careful about your beverage of choice. While alcohol like wine is a favorite drink for many people who enjoy the good life, they are well advised to follow the maximum limit.

Women — one glass of wine daily.

Men — two glasses of wine daily.

Being the second largest detox organ, the liver works extremely hard to filter everything you eat or drink.

Know that hard drinks are called “hard” because they can be tough on the liver. So, drink your scotch, brandy, rum, vodka and others with caution.

Avoid toxins. This is easier said than done. It pays to be vigilant about everything you consume. The food you eat in public places is not organic. Also, processed food may carry unhealthy ingredients.
RED FLAG: Preservatives, enhancers, flavor, seasoning and food coloring.

Limit your sugar consumption. The liver helps the body absorb fats. It also stores sugar for the time when you need it most. Anything in excess of what the body becomes fat. This applies two fatty foods as well as carbohydrates. Remember, everything you consume turns to glucose. Moderation is key.

Scrutinize all the supplements you take. Consult your doctor.

Environmental exposure. Choose well the places you visit. If it is filled with possible irritants like gas or smoke emission, then think again before going.

There is even a concern about walking in open fields near farms and golf courses that may use toxic insecticides and herbicides. One simply cannot be too sure these days.

Protect yourself from being exposed to the hepatitis virus HEPA A and B which could destroy your liver. Since they are transmitted through the blood and bodily fluids, one should practice safe sex.
Scrutinize all the supplements you take. Consult your doctor.

Exercise. You’ve got to keep moving in order to ensure great circulation.

Affirmation: “Kindness is my middle name.”

Love and Light!